Friday, November 6, 2015


Every day is another step 
Finding peace within myself
For though it hurts to think of you
Of all that we'd never do
Reality decides to be inaccurate
Trying to get me to be irate
Leaving the dream of you 
Somehow I feel like nothing's true
Every day is another step forward
Save for the need to step backward

(c) Rahul Chidambaran 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015


I don't understand
Though you had let go of my hand
I had hoped that by letting go
That eventually your love would show
Though now I realize
That I was waiting for our demise
You ran out of love
And I suffer in your drought

The questions are a plague
My self-worth turns vague
I feel inadequate
It's a lie to say that I'm great
Trying to hang on to me
Though at the moment I'm just debris
It hurts that you didn't try
You didn't feel me when I cried

All of our dreams
They now seem to me unclean
Pictures painted black
It hurts most to just look back
I don't fully understand
Why you let go of my hand
I too was alone
And now I'm turning into stone

© Rahul Chidambaran 2015